HTTPClient Library

A simple HTTP requester that can handle both HTTP and HTTPS requests is included as the HTTPClient library.

Check the examples for use under HTTP and HTTPS configurations. In general, for HTTP connections (unsecured and very uncommon on the internet today) simply passing in a URL and performiung a GET is sufficient to transfer data.

// Error checking is left as an exercise for the reader...
HTTPClient http;
if (http.begin("http://my.server/url")) {
    if (http.GET() > 0) {
        String data = http.getString();

For HTTPS connections, simply add the appropriate WiFiClientSecure calls as needed (i.e. setInsecure(), setTrustAnchor, etc.). See the WiFiClientSecure documentation for more details.

// Error checking is left as an exercise for the reader...
HTTPClient https;
https.setInsecure();  // Use certs, but do not check their authenticity
if (https.begin("")) {
    if (https.GET() > 0) {
        String data = https.getString();

Unlike the ESP8266 and ESP32 HTTPClient implementations it is not necessary to create a WiFiClient or WiFiClientSecure to pass in to the HTTPClient object.